Every choice you make creates a difference.

As a not for profit body, we depend upon our patrons to support our cause. Primarily, our needs centre around:

1. Developing and promoting traditional art forms and evolving unique artefacts unparalleled in their beauty and appeal.

2. Supporting Adivasi craftsmen and their families by offering them a livelihood and enhancing their self-respect through just prices for their work.

3. Running an apprentice programme for Adivasi youth eager to learn Dhokra and other traditional art. This ensures that skills are kept alive and passed on to new generations.

4. Looking after Adivasi children and if they so desire, putting them through mainstream education. Presently we look after seven children.

If you would like to support us, please get in touch with us or use the link provided on the right.

All donations will enjoy benefits under Sec.80G of the Income Tax Act


Make Donation


You can help us [solve the problem you’re trying to fix]. Your support is crucial to our efforts to [solve the problem].
If you’re able, we’d love it if you could make a donation of [amount] to help us achieve our mission and [solve the problem].


Ongoing work at Devrai


Description of the work


Description of the work